Terms and conditions of service

This site ("www.bandanashop.it") belongs to the company Profar S.a.s. by Moschen Andrea & C. and develops e-commerce activities of products marketed by the same VAT number: 01966500223 registered in the Trento Chamber of Commerce. Any information, support, request or complaint can also be forwarded to the e -mail address info@bandanashop.it.

This site is dedicated to the promotion and online sale of products or services. The customer expressly declares to make the purchase for purposes unrelated to the commercial or professional activity possibly exercised. The purchases made on www.bandanashop.it are regulated by these General Conditions of Sale, which can be modified at any time by Profar S.a.s., effectively starting from the publication on the site. The sending of the order by the Customer applies as acceptance of the conditions of sale at that moment published on the site. Profar S.a.s. observe the legislation on distance contracts pursuant to art. 50 and following of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005, as well as that relating to the electronic commerce referred to in Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003. These General Conditions must be considered an integral and substantial part of the contract.

Profar S.a.s. He invites the customer to carefully view the conditions below, and to print them and/or save them on other lasting support accessible to him.

1 definitions

1.1 with the expression "online sales contract", we mean the purchase contract relating to materials materials or services marketed by Profar S.a.s., stipulated between this and the consumer, as part of a distance sales system via tools Telematici, organized by Profar S.a.s.

1.2 By the expression "customer" means the consumer natural person makes the purchase referred to in this contract, for purposes not referable to the commercial or professional activity by the same eventual.

2 object of the contract

2.1 With this contract, respectively, Profar S.A.S. He sells and the customer buys, through telematic tools, the Matual Machine Benters or services indicated and offered for sale on the website www.bandanashop.it

2.2 The products referred to in the previous point are illustrated on the website www.bandanashop.it and described in the relative information sheets; The image accompanied by a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics, but differ in color, dimensions and accessory products.

2.3 These General Conditions of Sale do not regulate the provision of services or the sale of products made by third parties that use direct connections to the website www.bandanshop.it through banners or through other hypertext connections/links. Profar S.a.s. In no case can it be held responsible for the provision of services promised by third parties or for the execution of electronic commerce transactions among the customers of Profar S.a.s. and third parties.

2.4 Profar S.A.S. reserves the right not to process the orders received by users who are not "customers", as well as any other order that does not join the commercial policy of Profar S.a.s ..

3 Stipulation and conclusion of the contract

3.1 The contract between Profar S.a.s. And the customer ends through the Internet through the customer's access to the address Filomenoamore.com, where, following the procedures indicated, the Customer will formalize the proposal for the purchase of the goods referred to in points 2.1 and 2.2 of previous article.

3.2 The purchase contract ends by completing the following procedure, available in the Italian language alone, which can always be correct, modified and canceled, until the time of sending the order:

- By accessing the website www.bandanashop.it the customer, after registering for the purchase, must add the desired products to the cart, complete all the following pages, following the instructions, and broadcast electronically to Profar S.a.s. the page with all personal data and the purchase order;

- The order page contains a connection to these General Conditions of Sale and also contains information on the main characteristics of each ordered product and the relative price (including I.V.A.), the type of payment it has chosen for the purchase, the Conditions for the delivery of the products, the contributions required for delivery and transport in addition to the references to the general terms and conditions for the return of the products purchased online;

- Before proceeding with the sending of the order, the Customer will be required to identify and correct any possible errors that can be compiled during the compilation of the fields and carefully read the general terms and conditions that regulate the sale and purchase, to print a copy of the same using the printing option and to save or request a copy for personal use;

- An order will be considered sent when Profar S.a.s. He will receive the electronically order proposal and the order information will have been verified preliminarily as correct.

3.3 The order sent by the Customer will be binding for Profar S.A.S. Only if the entire order procedure has been completed regularly and correctly, without any highlighting of error messages by the website, and after sending by Profar S.a.s. to the customer of an order confirmation e-mail. The e-mail contains the details of the Customer and the Order, a summary of the general and details applicable to the contract, the price of the goods purchased, the chosen payment means, the costs of
transport, taxes and applicable taxes, the indication of the faculty of withdrawal and the shipping address to which the goods will be sent. The customer undertakes to verify the correctness of the data contained in it and to promptly communicate any corrections to Profar S.a.s. to the addresses indicated above.

3.4 By placing an order, the Customer declares that he has read all the indications provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to fully accept these general conditions of sale. With the forwarding of the order, the Customer expressly recognizes that this implies the obligation to pay the price and the other amounts due to these General Conditions of Sale. The contract is not considered perfected and effective between the parties in the absence of what is indicated in the previous point.

3.5 Profar S.A.S. It may not take charge and process the order if there are no sufficient guarantees of payment solvency, if the orders are incomplete or incorrect, or if the products are no longer available. The orders will also not be taken over and tried by Profar S.a.s. If it is evident that - in relation to the content of the order itself (price, quantity) a recognizable error has occurred (1431 of the Italian Civil Code) or a situation that is clearly in contrast with the will - of Profar S.a.s. or of the Customer - to proceed with the purchase subject of order (by way of example, think of the purchase of a product at a clearly non -market price, added in the virtual cart of a high quantity of the same product that was reported by the customer what error). In the above cases, the Customer will be informed by e-mail that the contract has not been carried out and that Profar S.a.s. He did not confirm the purchase order specifying the reasons. In the event that the Customer has already paid the price of the products subject to non -trial order, Article 6.2 will apply.

3.6 pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree 70 of 2003, Profar S.A.S. informs the customer that each order sent is kept in digital or paper form at its headquarters, according to criteria of confidentiality and safety. The customer can at any time request a copy of it to Profar S.a.s ..

4 payment methods

4.1 Each payment by the Customer can only be made by means of one of the methods indicated on the website www.bandanashop.it. Credit cards of the major international circuits and prepaid and rechargeable cards issued by banking institutions on the Italian territory are accepted:
Visa, Mastercard, American Express; Payment via PayPal is also accepted.

If you buy with Scalapay you receive your order immediately and pay in 3 installments. Act that the installments will be transferred to increase SPV s.r.l., to related subjects and their transferee, and that authorizes this transfer. "4.2 for payments made by credit card, the actual charge of the amount of the order will only take place when this is complete and ready for shipping. If the unavailability of a product is detected after the order registration and the reservation of the upright on paper, Profar S.a.s. It will undertake the necessary measures with the payments operator to drove the transaction relating to the goods not available.

4.3 All orders, before being processed, are subjected to checks of authenticity directly from the related credit card emission institutions, to protect the customer. If, for any reason, the debit of the amount due is not possible, the sales process will be automatically canceled and the sale will be resolved pursuant to art. 1456 c.c. The customer will be informed by email communication.

4.4 The communications relating to the payment and the data communicated by the customer when this is made take place on special protected lines and with all the guarantees ensured by the use of the safety protocols provided for by the payment circuits.

5 prices

5.1 The sales prices on display on the website www.bandanashop.it are to be understood including I.V.A. and refer only to the products sold online. The price applied will be the one in force at the time of the order and indicated in the order confirmation email, without considering increases or decreases in price, also for promotions, possibly intervened later. The forecasts referred to in article 3.6 are subject to.

5.2 The shipping costs, to be paid by the customer for orders of less than € 79 in Italy and € 99 for the rest of Europe, are not included in the purchase price, but are indicated and calculated at the time of the conclusion of the purchase process before making payment.

5.3 The issue of the invoice is not mandatory, if it is not requested by the customer not beyond the moment of carrying out the operation, as indicated in art. 22 of the Presidential Decree of 26/10/1972 n. 633 The customer will be able to receive the invoice/receipt in paper format making it an express request to Profar S.A.S .. After the issue of the invoice, it will not be possible to make any changes to the data indicated in the same.

6 Product availability

6.1 The availability of the products refers to the moment the customer consults the product cards; However, this must be considered purely indicative because, as a result of the simultaneous presence on the site of multiple users, the products could be sold to others before confirmation of the order. In any case, they will not be able to be attributed to Profar S.a.s. responsibility in case of unavailability of one or more products.

6.2 Profar S.A.S. It will in no way be responsible for the temporary or definitive unavailability of one or more products. The site highlights the cases in which limitations to the purchase of individual products are worth. In the case of unavailability, even temporary, of the requested products, Profar S.a.s. It undertakes not to charge the customer the corresponding price. If the order has been sent and the price has already been paid for the items that are no longer available, Profar S.a.s. He will refund the customer of the entire amount paid for those items.

6.3 Also following the sending of the order confirmation by Profar S.a.s., cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods may occur. In this eventuality, the Customer will be promptly informed with written communication or by e-mail and can decide whether to accept the delivery of the available products only, obtaining the reimbursement for unavailable ones or whether to request the cancellation of the order, with consequent reimbursement of the amounts possibly already paid, communicating it by e-mail to Profar S.a.s ..

6.4 For the possibility of the previous point, the Customer can choose, at the time of sending the order, whether to accept a supply other than the agreed one, of the same value.

7 delivery methods

7.1 Profar S.A.S. will deliver the selected and purchased products by express courier to the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order, as confirmed in the summary e-mail referred to in point 3.3.

7.2 The orders will be tried just received. Profar S.a.s. undertakes to
deliver the products in the shortest possible time.

7.3 The total amount of expenses will be visible before proceeding with confirmation of the purchase.

7.4 The shipped goods will be checked and delivered to the integration and without defects. Profar S.a.s. It cannot be held in any way responsible for any delays or damage attributable to the shipper's faults.

7.5 The ordered goods depends exclusively on the customer's will. If it is refused, Profar S.a.s. He will charge the customer the return transport costs.

8 responsibilities

8.1 Profar S.A.S. It assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable due to force majeure or fortuitous chance, even if dependent on malfunctions and disservices of the Internet, in the event that it cannot execute the order in the times provided for in the contract.

8.2 Profar S.A.S. It will also not be responsible for damages, losses and costs suffered by the customer following the failure to carry out the contract for reasons not attributable to the same, and except for the dependence or omission of Profar S.a.s., having the customer right only to the full return of the price paid.

8.3 Profar S.A.S. It cannot be held responsible for information, data and any technical or other inaccuracies that could be contained on the site, if they have been communicated by third parties and have been verified by Profar S.a.s. according to the criteria of ordinary diligence.

8.4 Profar S.A.S. It assumes no responsibility for the possible fraudulent and illegal use that can be made by third parties of credit cards, checks and other means of payment, upon payment of the products purchased, if it proves to have adopted all possible cautions Based on the best science and experience of the moment and based on ordinary diligence.

8.5 Ability to contract. The buyer declares that he has full ability to act and enter into a purchase contract for the products and/or services on the website based on these General Conditions of Sale. Profar S.a.s. In any case, it will not be possible to verify the ability to act of visitors and buyers of the Profar S.a.s website .. in the event that a person not having the necessary ability to act (for example a minor) performs an order on the website, Profar S.a.s. It can legitimately refuse to make the purchase order finalize.

9 Right of withdrawal

9.1 The Customer has the right to withdraw without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of fourteen days from the day on which the customer acquires the physical possession of the goods as long as the following conditions do not occur:

    • Also partial use of the asset and any consumables;
    • Lack of the external package and/or the original internal packaging;
    • Absence of product components (accessories);
    • Damage to the product for reasons other than its transport

In the cases indicated above, Profar will return the goods to the user by chargeing shipping costs.

9.2 to make the return of a product,Just enter your user page directly on the site or send an email to the address: info@bandanashop.it, communicating the decision to make use of the right to return within 14 days of receipt of the product. The customer must prepare the package with the intact product, his card, the box, the bag and any other products or accessories included and send them to its original packaging. NB: The product and its accessories should not have been used or tampered with. The package must be sent, at the customer's expense, with the courier who prefers to the address:

Bandanashop.it / Profar S.S.
Via del trade 3D
38121 Trento (TN) Tel. 328-0812190

Once the package has been received, the assistance will evaluate the conditions of the product sent and will issue the refund. The refund will be issued within 10 working days with the same payment method used for the order.

9.3 To comply with the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient that the Customer send the communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

9.4 If the Customer withdraws from this contract, all the payments he made in favor of Profar S.a.s. (with the exception of delivery costs), without undue delay and in any case no more than fourteen days from the day when Profar S.a.s. It was informed. These refunds will be made using the same vehicle of payment used by the customer for the initial transaction, unless he expressly agreed otherwise; In any case, it will not have to incur any cost as a consequence of this reimbursement. The Faculty of Profar S.a.s. to hold back the reimbursement until he received the goods or until the customer has shown that he has sent back the assets, depending on which situation he occurs first.

9.5 In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, the customer returns the goods or delivers them to:

Bandanashop.it / Profar S.S.
Via del trade 3D
38121 Trento (TN) Tel. 328-0812190

Without undue delay and in any case within fourteen days from the date on which he communicated to Profar S.a.s. his decision to withdraw from the contract. The direct cost of returning the goods remains to be paid by the customer.

9.6 The Customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from a manipulation of the assets other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. Furthermore, if the product or its accessories have been used or tampered with, the return will not be accepted.

9.7 If the right of withdrawal is exercised, Profar S.a.s. He will not be responsible for transport costs for the return or any loss or damage to the products attributable to third parties.

9.8 debit of the costs of stock and transport in case of non -withdrawal of the package

In the event that a package is not withdrawn by the recipient and is returned to the sender, we reserve the right to charge the following costs to the customer:

  1. Janza costs:

    • Any resort costs incurred during the period in which the package remained at the courier or the retreat point will be charged to the customer. (the stock costs will be between € 15.00 and € 35.00)
  2. Transport costs:

    • The transport costs for the round -trip shipping of the non -withdrawn package will be charged to the customer. (The transport costs will be between € 7.00 and € 25.00)
    • These costs will be deduced from the total amount reimbursed to the customer.
  3. Information and communication:

    • The customer will be informed by email of the adjustment of the costs of stock and transport and of the relative amount deduced by the refund.
  4. Reimbursement conditions:

    • In case of a return, a restocking fee of €10.00 will be applied and deducted from the refund of the original order. This amount covers administrative and logistical costs related to processing the return and restocking the item in our warehouse.

      The restocking fee applies to all returns, except in cases where the return is due to an error on our part (e.g., incorrect or defective item).

      If the return is eligible for an exchange, the restocking fee will not be applied.

      The refund for the product cost will be processed net of the specified fees within [14 days] of receiving the returned package.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer accepts this clause and the charge of the costs mentioned above in the event of failure to collect the package.

10 Customer obligations

10.1 The Customer undertakes to pay the price of the property purchased in the times and ways indicated by these General Conditions of Sale.

10.2 The Customer undertakes, once the online purchase procedure is completed, to provide the press and conservation of these General Conditions of Sale, which will have already been expressly accepted before the conclusion of the procedure.

10.3 The Customer is the only one responsible for the correctness of the data entered in the registration procedure and undertakes not to enter false, and/or invented data, and/or fantasy. The Customer holds Profar S.A.S. raised from any liability deriving from the issue of incorrect tax documents due to incorrect data provided by the same.

11 intellectual property

11.1 All the contents (including, by way of example but not exhaustive, the logos, texts, data compilations, graphics, icons, images, photographs, audio clips, sounds, music and software, and any combination of their combination) available on the site (the "content"), are owned by or dismissed by "Profar S.a.s.", and are protected by the laws on copyright and the related international treaties. These rights are reserved for "Profar S.a.s.".

11.2 The "Bandana" brand as well as all brands, whether they are figurative or not, and all the other signs, commercial names, service brands, name brands, commercial names, illustrations, images, logos that appear on our products, on the site, On accessories or packs, recorded or not (the "brands"), are and remain the exclusive property of "Profar S.a.s." and / or their licensees and are protected by the laws in force on the brands and the related international treaties. These rights are reserved for "Profar S.a.s.".

11.3 All other intellectual property rights (including, without any limitation, designs and registered and non -copyright models, copyrights and patents) on the site or connected to it, the products depicted and / or available on this site and each accessory , stationery article, packaging or items connected to these products, to the order sent by you or to the site (the "intellectual property rights") are and remain the exclusive property of "Profar S.a.s." and / or its licensees and these intellectual property rights are protected by the laws on intellectual property and the related international treaties. These rights are reserved for "Profar S.a.s.".

12. Delivery of delivery dependent on the fact of the transporter

12.1. All products leave the Profar S.A.S. in perfect condition. Each anomaly that concerns delivery (failure, missing product compared to the delivery voucher, damaged package, deteriorated product ...) must imperatively be indicated on the delivery voucher in the form of a "handwritten reserve", accompanied by the signature of the buyer.

12.2 The buyer must in parallel to confirm these anomalies by directing the transporter to the transporter (2) two weekdays after the delivery date, a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt clearly exposing the complaints. It will also have to transmit a copy of this registered letter with the address of Profar S.a.s .. In defect Profar S.a.s. It will not proceed with the change of products.

12.3 As in any shipment, it is possible that a delay will occur or that the product is lost. In this case, Profar S.a.s. The transporter will contact to start an investigation. Every effort will be made, with the time necessary, to find the package. In case of negative outcome, Profar S.a.s. (who will be refunded by the transporter) will deliver a new product, identical, at its expense. Profar S.a.s. He declines any responsibility for the lengthening of the delivery terms dependent on the cargo, especially in cases of loss of products, weather or strikes.

13.composition of disputes

13.1 For each controversy resulting from this contract, the buyer must first contact Profar S.a.s. to look for a consensual solution. If the parties intend to make the ordinary judicial authority, the competent forum is that of Trento (TN).

14. Applicable and postponement

14.1 This contract is regulated by Italian law.


15.1 This contract repeals and replaces any agreement, agreement, negotiation, writing or oral, intervened previously between the parties and concerning the object of this contract.